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For Researchers

What Can You Find Here?

The basic information about the north-bohemian archives, You will get to know our work towards the citizens, other authorities and institutions, also You will find the information about our archival funds, services and possibilities of research in out study rooms.

The State Regional Archives Litomerice (SOA v Litoměřicicích) is an authority directly controled by the Czech Ministry of the Interior. Its territory is defined by the Liberec and Usti Regions.


Photo Gallery



Digital Study Room – a new archival portal for the public

Digital Study Room - a new archival portal for the public On 1st October 2024, the State Regional Archives in Litomerice will launch a testing...

Temporary restriction of access to the data of the former branch Děčín

In January 2024, the SOA Litoměřice - branch Děčín was merged with the State District Archive Děčín. In this context, from 29 April 2024,...

The Online Exhibitions

SOA v Litoměřicích - Krajská

Výstava k dějinám sídla Státního oblastního archivu v Litoměřicích

Výstavy mívají krátký život, rádi bychom proto jedné z nich umožnili prostřednictvím internetových stránek žít pomyslný druhý život. Výstava „Proměny vnější a vnitřní“ byla...