The Lexicon of north Bohemian place names covers the region of today’s Usti and Liberec Regions, encompassing the Districts of Ceska Lipa, Decin, Chomutov, Jablonec n. N., Litomerice, Louny, Liberec, Most, Semily, Teplice, Usti n. L. and a portion of Karlovy Vary.
We broadened our original goal of creating a simple glossary of Czech and German versions of the town names in this region, to include additional information about each town’s relation to public, church, and aristocratic authorities. Our aim is to provide researchers with a tool to ease orientation in the archival collections stored at the archives of the SOA Litomerice network. The lexicon should not be viewed as a thorough overview of the administrative development in North and Northwest Bohemia.
Should you have any comments or corrections to the database, please send them to Marketa Vladykova.
Database design: Andrzej Heczko, Ondrej Smisek, CVUT, Fakulta dopravni – pracoviste Decin / Database maintenance: Marketa Vladykova / German Editor: Petr Joza / Project Coordinator: Otto Chmelik
Lexicon Sources and Notes
Test for Czech diacritical marks
Note: Entries in the lexicon use Czech and German diacritical marks. If your computer does not have appropriate Central European fonts installed or is not set to support Central European languages, you may encounter “garbage” where these characters occur. You can download CE fonts online (search for Verdana CE, Arial CE, Helvetica CE). Follow your browser instructions for enabling language support for CE languages.
Official Czech Name
- Statistický lexikon obcí České republiky 1992, Praha, 1994.
- Retrospektivní lexikon obcí ČSSR 1850-1970, Praha, 1978.
Official German Name
- Das Sudetenbuch. Handbuch für den Reichsagau Sudetenland, Teplitz-Schönau 1940.
- Amtliches Deutsches Ortsbuch für das Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren, Prag 1940.
Municipality as of 1992
- Statistický lexikon obcí České republiky 1992, Praha 1994.
District as of 1992
- Statistický lexikon obcí České republiky 1992, Praha 1994.
District as of 1930
- Statistisches Gemeindelexikon der Čechoslovakischen Republik I., Land Böhmen, Prag 1935.
Court District as of 1930
- Statistisches Gemeindelexikon der Čechoslovakischen Republik I., Land Böhmen, Prag 1935.
Roman Catholic Parish as of 1949
- V. KALÁB, Římskokatolické farní matriky okresů Jičín a Semily ve Státním oblastním archivu v Zámrsku, Z Českého ráje a Podkrkonoší. 9, 1996, s. 181-192.
- Katalog litoměřické diecéze AD 1997, Litoměřice 1997.
- Orts-Repertorium für das Königreich Böhmen, Prag 1886.
- Soubor matrik Severočeského kraje 1558-1900 (1949), inventář, Litoměřice,1979 (nepublikováno).
Note: In cases where a town belonged to more than one parish, the parishes are listed delineated with a slash (e.g., Krasna Lipa / Chribska).
Domain as of 1848
- František Palacký, Popis králowství Českého, Praha 1848.
- Příruční kniha o soudním a politickém rozvrhu korunní země České, Praha 1850.
Note: In cases where a town belonged to more than one domain, the domains are delineated with a slash (e.g., Benesov nad Ploučnicí / Markvartice).
This field contains additional information about each town.
- Zanikla – (Extinct) The town ceased to exist naturally or died out.
- Zlikvidována – (Liquidated) The town was liquidated to make way for mining, construction of a reservoir, annexation to a military zone, etc. Source:
- Další názvy – (Other names) Older or concurrent names for the town are listed here. Variations are not noted when the only difference is in punctuation (e.g., Alt-Ehrenberg, Alt Ehrenberg, and Altehrenberg).